Two-storey Gable House in Minimal Style, Warmly Decorated With Wood, 8.8×14.3 m.

Minimalism can be a hard movement to trace. There’s a fine line between its principles and that of modernism, not to mention contemporary design — it’s impossibly easy to get wrong.

Minimalist design is a type of interior design that focuses on simplicity and cleanliness. Avoids decoration, clutter and excessive ornamentation. The intention is to create an open space with as few elements as possible.

Minimalist interior design focuses on the use of natural materials such as wood, metal or stone. Rooms in this style typically have very little furniture and decoration to create an open-minded feel.

For a more dramatic effect, designers can use a single color throughout the space or add bold colors to the backdrop of white walls. Furniture should be simple and practical – avoid fancy designs with too many details.

Minimalistic style is not about living with less, but instead is about having what you need. This is a way to focus on the things that are important to you and remove everything else.

There are many ways to incorporate a minimalist style into your home – one example is adding plants around your home or in your bedroom to purify the air naturally.